
exceed the supply中文是什么意思

  • 超过供应



  • 例句与用法
  • The demand for these goods exceeds the supply .
  • The demand for our products exceeds the supply
    我们的产品供不应求。 [我们产品的需求大于供应。
  • And as we know , the demand and supply in the coal market of shaanxi are increasing in the future , but the increasing range of the demand is wider than that of the supply , so the tendency of coal market of shaanxi is that the demand will exceed the supply
  • With the high speed growth of both social economy and urban population , the demand of urban citizenry for travel in the same city is increasingly growing , which usually exceeds the supply of public traffic ' s capacity , and results in severe traffic crowding
  • By using the model , the writer predicts the total demand of coal of shaanxi of 2005 , 2010 , 2015 , then analyzes and predicts the tendency of the coal resources of shaanxi in the future , the main conclusions are drawn as follows : in 2005 , the supply will exceed the demand on the whole . but in 2010 , the demand will exceed the supply on the whole . in 2015 , the situation is similar to that of 2010
    从而得出陕西省煤炭资源需求预测的基础模型,利用该模型,对陕西省未来2005年、 2010年、 2015年的煤炭总需求量进行预测,从而对陕西省未来的煤炭资源供需趋势进行分析与预测,其预测结论如下: 2005年陕西省煤炭资源供需状况从整体上看还是供过于求;但是, 2010年陕西省煤炭资源供需状况从总体上看将会是供不应求; 2015年供不应求的局面基本上没有改善。
  • 推荐英语阅读
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